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时间:2024-10-21 00:41:01 点击次数:
本文摘要:Microsoft has hit out at the US government’s “stockpiling” of cyber weapons for facilitating attacks such as the WannaCry ransomware that has run rampant in recent days.微软公司(Microsoft)向美国政府收到了批评,谴责其“黑市”网络武器、为“想哭”(WannaCry)这类勒索软件发动的反击获取了便利。

Microsoft has hit out at the US government’s “stockpiling” of cyber weapons for facilitating attacks such as the WannaCry ransomware that has run rampant in recent days.微软公司(Microsoft)向美国政府收到了批评,谴责其“黑市”网络武器、为“想哭”(WannaCry)这类勒索软件发动的反击获取了便利。最近几天,“想哭”病毒在全球侵袭。

“The governments of the world should treat this attack as a wake-up call,” Brad Smith, Microsoft’s general counsel, wrote in a strongly worded blog post on Sunday afternoon.周日下午,微软公司法律总顾问布拉德?史密斯(Brad Smith)在一篇措辞白热化的博客文章中写到:“全球各国政府应当把这次反击视作一记警钟。”In its statement, Microsoft for the first time confirmed publicly what security analysts and intelligence officials would only say in private: that the technique hackers used to distribute WannaCry was originally developed by, and later stolen from, the US National Security Agency.微软公司在其声明中首次公开发表证实了安全性分析师和情报官员只不会私下道出的众说纷纭:黑客用来散播“想哭”病毒的技术,是最初由美国国家安全局(NSA)研发的,后来又被人从该局窃走。

“This attack provides yet another example of why the stockpiling of vulnerabilities by governments is such a problem,” Mr Smith wrote, referencing the disclosure of apparent exploits used by the CIA by WikiLeaks.史密斯写到:“这次反击是又一个例子,证明了为何政府黑市软件漏洞是如此根本性的问题。”这句话指向了维基解密(WikiLeaks)透露的、美国中央情报局(CIA)对显著的漏洞加以利用的不道德。

“Repeatedly, exploits in the hands of governments have leaked into the public domain and caused widespread damage,” he said. “An equivalent scenario with conventional weapons would be the US military having some of its Tomahawk missiles stolen.”他说道:“政府手中掌控的漏洞泄漏至公共领域、并导致大范围毁坏,这样的情况已多次再次发生。若以常规武器来转换,这就样子是美国军方部分战斧导弹(Tomahawk)失窃。

”While the leaked NSA tools were not used to create the ransomware itself, they did help hackers to accelerate its distribution, creating havoc for organisations around the world.尽管从NSA泄漏的工具并未被用来建构“想哭”病毒本身,但这些工具显然协助黑客加快了该病毒的传播,对世界各地机构造成了严重破坏。Edward Snowden, the NSA whistleblower who is wanted in the US for leaking thousands of classified documents, called Microsoft’s comments “extraordinary”.NSA泄密者爱德华?斯诺登(Edward Snowden)称之为,微软公司方面的这些话“非同寻常”。斯诺登因泄漏了成千上万份机密文件而被美国逮捕。

“Until this weekends attack, Microsoft declined to officially confirm this, as US Gov refused to confirm or deny this was their exploit,” he said in a tweet.他在Twitter上发帖称之为:“直到周末的反击再次发生前,微软公司仍然拒绝接受公开发表证实这一点,美国政府则既不愿证实也不坚称这个漏洞出自于他们之手。



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